Acidity is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by excess.
Natural Remedy for Stomach Ulcer/ Peptic Ulcer/Gastric Ulcer.
Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent .
Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis”.
Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is an umbrella term for conditions causing chronic.
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that develops in some people who have.
Sciatica is pain in the lower extremity resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve.
Leucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches
A corn, clavus (plural: clavi) is a specially-shaped callus of dead skin. It usually forms on hairless and smooth
The skin on our feet is usually dry as there are no oil glands in the skin of the feet.
Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps
Hemorrhoids, also spelled haemorrhoids, are vascular structures in the anal canal.
fistula is an abnormal, tube-like connection that forms between two organs or epithelial cells.
Diabetes can strike anyone, from any walk of life.
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just.
Prostatitis is common and affects many men at some time. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland.
Men can also contribute to infertility in a couple. In fact, men are found to be the only.
Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration.
Sperm morphology — the size and shape of sperm — is one factor that's examined as part of a semen .
Erectile dysfunction will cause the penis to be unable to acquire or maintain a satisfactory erection.
For a growing number of women, declining hormones, job stress, relationship issues, and other problems are taking their toll in the bedroom.
Infertility is the inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce by natural means.
Erectile dysfunction is known in common parlance as impotence. It signifies the inability to get.
For people with diabetes, this includes maintaining proper blood sugar levels.
The urinary bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just above and behind the pubic bone.
A gallstone is a stone formed within the gallbladder out of bile components.
An enlarged spleen can be caused by infections, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, blood diseases .
Eczema is a general term for a set of chronic skin conditions caused by inflammation.